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What People Are Saying


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The Divine Flow of Abundance is a direct, hands-on recipe for creating and recognizing the abundance in your life. Filled with wonderful quotes and delightful personal stories, Jan has laid out a 30-day plan that works! You can do it on your own or, even better, form a group to follow the plan together and get ready to be blown away by the amazing demonstrations of abundance that will appear in your life!    —Susan J.




This was a wonderful read. Easy to follow, and a treasure trove of pleasant anecdotes. Give yourself the special gift of immediate success through understanding what it is, where it comes from, and why it’s probably not what you think. —Jason A.



Jan has captured the essence of spirituality in a form I find very inspiring and captivating. —Stevia S.


The divinely inspired wisdom that Jan Lynch shares in her daily teaching and practices are profound reminders of the magnificence of the Universal love that is within us all. Beginning and ending each day with delightful awareness is a gift we all owe ourselves. —Kathy B.



What a powerful gem of a book this is. Just by reading one small chapter (usually three pages) each day, you get going on a 30-day journey to abundance in all areas of your life. Each step provides insight into what it is we tend to do that holds us back from our dreams. You don’t have to wait until January 1st to resolve to rid yourself of those limiting beliefs. It warmed my heart in its simplicity, and I recognized that each small step, when built upon, can truly be life- changing. —Amazon Review.



Reaffirming. A chapter each day to stay focused on abundance instead of lack. —Barnes & Noble Review.



I made a commitment to read each chapter twice a day for 30 days. The affirmations, statements of spiritual truths, and the affirmative prayers at the end of each chapter, were helpful and inspirational.

I was able to open my mind and heart to limitless possibilities and trusting the Divine. I began to watch my self-talk and my "I Am" statements to make sure they were positive. While practicing daily gratitude, I was reminded to bless money as it flows through my life, and it has become easier for me to receive. From reading this book, abundance showed up in my life in various ways:

  • $150 from a friend from selling my things on Ebay.

  • $200 from my boss at Christmas.

  • A long-time friend sent me a beautiful sweater, some kitchen towels and a $50 gift card.

  • I was able to purchase some outside lighting making my yard beautiful.

  • A friend at the Awakening Ways Spiritual Community gifted me a blanket with a beautiful horse on it.

  • The same friend also gifted me a beautiful silver bracelet with horses engraved on it.

  • I was gifted the joy of being loved by my friends.

Thank you, Jan for saying yes to writing this book.


Ariana A.



I love this little book for many reasons, and Chapter 10 "Tell A New Story" was the most potent for me. For too many years, I repeated the stories of my childhood in a negative way. Negative experiences and mistakes then became part of my life as an adult, and I made those childhood experiences responsible for a life that was far from what I wanted. This chapter freed me to finally "re-frame" those old stories. My life and experiences turned around. I hope many people will use this small book as a tool to help them"re-frame" their own thinking and begin to "tell a new story" about their own lives!
Thank you, Jan Lynch!. —Audrey H.



This book is a gem! As we navigate these challenging times, this book has helped me stay grounded in my spiritual truths. As Jan points out, abundance is not just financial , it is in all areas of our lives. Her wonderful stories, affirmations, quotes from spiritual leaders, and affirmative prayers, have helped me in moving forward on my spiritual journey. This book is a practical guide to living in the Divine Flow of Abundance!!!. —GoodReads Review.



This book is set up into daily readings to help you tap into the universal law of abundance. I especially appreciated the daily affirmations, as they helped me keep each day's reading in focus. The daily learning are easy and quick to read. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to live life with more gratitude and abundance. —Andee A.



I really enjoyed this book. I liked beginning and ending my day with the positive energy I received from reading each chapter. I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a simple, short, and inspirational start and end to their day. —Debra O.



I am on day 25 of my "Divine Flow of Abundance" journey, and I am so grateful for this daily chat with Spirit. Each day is a reminder of what I already know but has gotten layered over with life's mundane issues. Thank you for this wonderful gift! —Ethel S.

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